Apartment H

Stories from Charlotte with Kati Hurst.

It’s Joshua’s Birthday! May 7, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 7:33 pm

Hooray for celebrating yourself!

In case you didn’t know, Josh’s birthday is today and you should wish him a good one.  He had to work from 1-10 today, but he got a pretty awesome box set of Nina Simone this morning and will have another present when he gets off work so I hope he isn’t too sad.

I hope you all have good birthdays too, but if you get a chance stop by and wish my husband happy birthday.  It really would make his day.


Silly Saturday Stuff May 2, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 8:25 pm

The past couple Saturdays have been opportunities for us to explore Charlotte and find things to do.  One weekend we went to the botanical gardens at UNC-Charlotte and found the weirdest plant ever.  It’s this exotic orchid that has leaves that look like eight foot tongues.  It’s really quite disturbing.  The flowers are also quite atrocious and smell awful.  But, because I suck at picture taking, you’re gonna have to take my word for it.

This weekend we had church stuff earlier but then decided to find a used bookstore.  There are no McKay’s here and let me tell you, we are frequently sad about it.  We drove to the artsy part of Uptown, NoDa, to look for a place.  The bookstore we found was tiny.  Neat but tiny.  So we drove back to our part of town and visited the Book Rack.  It’s a chain so you’re probably familiar, but this one is large and has a pretty good selection of stuff.  We’re not gonna make it to McKay’s any time soon so we’ll have to make do with this place.  We got in the car to go to the library and one of the windows in my car wouldn’t roll up.  I have no idea why or what happened to it, but it refuses to budge.  And naturally the Toyota place was closed so I get to roll around like this until Monday.

Ghetto Camilla

Now who wouldn’t want to ride in this?  Josh said it was an illustration of racial harmony- the black, yellow, and white getting along.  cringe.  I hope that wasn’t in poor taste.

All I know is that it’s pathetic.

Stevie plays a part in the story too.  He doesn’t do much on our Saturday outings and I’m sure he was feeling a little left out.  He got a summer haircut this week and I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Up close and personal with Steve

Hopefully you can see his pretty coat.  I told the groomer to shave him and didn’t specify much else.  Now he looks like a weasel.  But his fur sure is pretty!  This next one is Josh and Steve wrestling.  What you can’t hear are Steve’s growls and Josh’s screeches as nails dig into his flesh.

Josh and Steve

Okie doke.  That’s all I’ve got.  Hope you guys have good Saturdays too!


Hurst Hi-jinks

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 8:01 pm

Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting Ms. Megan Gentry.  In case you didn’t know, she’s about the coolest cat around.  She was visitor number six for us!  Isn’t that great?  We did lots of cool things as you’re about to find out.  Sad thing is, I don’t have many pictures because I’m a slacker with a camera.  I guess I’ll have to rise to the challenge and just make sure I recreate the weekend so you felt like you were truly there.  Buckle your seat belts!

Megan came into town Friday afternoon after driving for almost five hours and getting stuck in the trash that is Charlotte traffic around 5pm.  After some catch up, we went to Hawthorne’s Pizza with the Breedens- you knew they were part of this story didn’tcha?  Joshy works right next to this pizza place and has been singing its praises so we checked it out.  It was a beautiful day and we sat outside while enjoying our pizza and salad.  Then we came back to the house for Wii, cookies, and the shenanigans of Bailey and Steve playing.  I think Megan was briefly afraid they were going to hurt each other.  Then she realized they’re really strange and actually enjoy playing that way.

Saturday we took a leisurely morning before trekking out into Charlotte.  Let me tell you- it was hot!  It had been so pleasant and springy and then last weekend bam!  Ninety degrees outside.  Anyway, we went to Calvary Church on Megan’s suggestion and explored a little.  The church is right up the road from us, we pass it daily, but we’ve never been inside although we’ve been talking about visiting for a little while now.  The church is enormously gigantic and shaped like a crown.  See?

Calvary ChurchThis place is kinda… scary.  It’s open 24/7 and there is always someone doing something.  When you walk in the doors a policeman greets you and tells you to look around and enjoy but to not go upstairs, in rooms, or down hallways.  Even with those things not allowed we got a good idea of what goes on here.  These windows look out over a large green space and Pineville-Matthews Road.  Inside is the sanctuary.  It’s a beautiful place with tons of seating, the largest organ I’ve ever seen, and a view of the road.  If I was a kid in service I’m pretty sure I’d be looking out the windows rather than focusing on the sermon.

They have murals down the hallways of the books of the Bible.  Here’s the most telling part- they have 12 classes of preschoolers on a Sunday morning.  You check your children in on computer terminals that spit out stickers of name tags for you to put on your kid and then send them off.

Needless to say, we walked around with our mouths open for a while then went to the car to discuss.

We ate at Bojangles because that place started here and it’s good.  Then we went to the Mint Museum of Art.  It wasn’t too big that we got lost or weren’t able to see everything offered but was really just enjoyable.  Josh found his new favorite artist Romare Bearden, Megan found some artwork for her home, and I got a Monet puzzle.  In fact, Josh and Megan unknowingly bought the same print of this Bearden guy!romare-bearden-the-blues

Here it is!

The art museum had a good collection of things.  Modern and contemporary, special exhibits like Andy Warhol and the art of Platform shoes.  And they had quite a bit of stuff from the New Orleans Museum of Art because of its displacement due to Hurricane Katrina.  Josh and I are thinking of becoming members- think we’d be cosmopolitan enough?  (I don’t.)

After the Mint we decided to see a movie at the nicest movie theatre any of us have graced with our presence.  The Ballantyne Village is niiiice.  Plush leather seats, huge screens, and a concession stand with wine and beer.  And sushi.  We talked it up to Megan and then said you know what?  It’s hot.  Let’s see a movie.  Sunshine Cleaning was the choice and I thought it was a really good movie.

Then we came home to have Kung Pao chicken, play a Mario Party (which I won!), and watch Fever Pitch.  I think we all have crushes on Jimmy Fallon.  Sunday we went to church and Megan got to meet the kids in Sunday school.  I’m sure she loved it.  We just had to go to Salsa’s with the Breedens afterward!  Megan had to leave that afternoon but we hope she had as good a time with us as we did with her.

So.  Feel like you were with us?


Exploring Crowders Mountain April 9, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 9:45 pm

Last weekend was absolutely perfect weather wise.  That meant we left our humble little abode and travelled an hour south to Crowders Mountain.  Crowders Mountain Sign

We took Stevie with us hoping we would wear him out and he would sleep like a baby instead of barking out the window and playing with the pillows.

It worked!  We were there for about four hours, ate a picnic lunch, decided not to walk up the wall of death, and then hiked for about three miles.  Steve was having the time of his life watching and trying to play with other dogs, trying to jump all over people, and just going berserk.

Tired Steve

Joshy and I had a good time in the sunshine.  We got some exercise and explored the area.  Perhaps when we’re in better shape (which essentially means never) we’ll tackle the toughest trail.  No kidding, it was a very steep incline that we attempted but then decided… uh, no.

We have plans for this weekend too!  I like this warm weather and time to play and explore the area around Charlotte.

Anyone who comes to visit will get to hang out and do new things with us…  promise we won’t make anyone go on a hike.


Change is Happening April 5, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 10:16 pm

God answers prayer and provides for his people.  We knew this and we knew it would be in his due time, but it’s so nice when God delivers.

Joshua got a job at a local CVS week before last.  He worked his first day last Monday and came home saying his feet hurt and he was tired.  He also talked about how great his co-workers were and mentioned that he thinks he’ll be happy there.  What wonderful news!  To finally find a paying job and one that isn’t too terrible to go to is great.  The manager decided to hire him because he liked that we taught Sunday school as he did too.  Isn’t that just awesome?  Our fifth and sixth graders caused some good in our lives!  No, no I kid- they’re tons of fun.  But isn’t that too neat?  The guy liked what Josh did with his Sundays, decided to hire him, and promised to try really hard not to schedule him on the Lord’s day.

Joshy also started his online classes for his Master’s and says they’re not too awful.  He’s gonna be a busy busy man soon!

I know nothing new, except I don’t have to work Friday because of the holiday and I am so thankful!  Even just one day will be good I think to be away from the grind of things and provide a break.

In other news, I believe Josh is going to start contributing to this thing so when you read a lenthy post that sounds pretty good and is fun to read you’ll know it’s a Josh post.  I’m not entirely sure what he’ll be blogging about but perhaps it’ll bring some variety to the present state of Apartment H.

Steve is doing well.  We’re going to take him to the vet this week and get him up to date on his shots and ask for some pointers in training… the other night he got a discarded toothbrush out the trash, ate it, and at three a.m. threw up the bristly head of it.  It’s the first thing he’s eaten that’s made him sick.

Hope you guys had as beautiful a weekend as us and enjoyed it.  We’ll be back soon!


Spring right around the corner… I hope. March 15, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 10:57 pm

Two weeks ago it rained for two days and then it snowed and I got a free day from work.  Last weekend the sun shone with no clouds and the temperature was 80 degrees.  This weekend we’re back to four days of rain and no sun.  Thank you global climate change.

In other news, the Hursts are doing well.  I apologize to the people who like us for the delay in updates.  You’ll have to forgive a girl who can read all day long but can’t really write worth a darn.  I sometimes have a difficult time coming up with new ways to report the same old same old.

Joshua is looking for a job, writing freelance reviews, and keeping the peace at home.  I am working for a living, keeping my husband and dog in line, and trying to be happy where I am.

Because the folks who read this are friends and family I feel comfortable sharing our current dilemma.  Because Josh isn’t working (not for lack of trying) and my job is wonderful but I certainly won’t get rich doing it, we’re in a financial pit.  But I suppose that’s to be expected when you’re fresh out of college and don’t really have any skills.  Oh, and the economy is in the potty.  But we won’t use that as our crutch!  The economy is simply part of the reason Josh can’t find a job.  Anyway, I say all this because I’m learning what it’s like to be patient, content where I am, and the usefulness of prayer.

This morning Mantle preached a sermon on the prayer of Jabez.  And I don’t mean that book written when I was in high school that created such a stir.  In 1 Chronicles, Jabez prays and God delivers.  Mantle encouraged us this morning to remember five things that have to happen before prayer can be answered.  One, we have to pray.  Two, we have to stop dwelling on the past.  Three, we have to get real with God and lose masks.  Four, we have to be specific in our prayers.  And finally, we have to know the God who answers prayer.

Mantle is getting better and better at this whole preaching thing and this morning’s sermon knocked my socks off.  It’s very encouraging to hear a good sermon that is applicable.  The things I was reminded about this morning will help as we struggle with bills, looking for and not finding jobs (at least in our time frame), and as our marriage is challenged and strengthened.

Anyway, I hope you all had a similar experience at church and you can be encouraged too.  Not only do you have Jesus, but the sun will shine again soon!


The New Year January 14, 2009

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 10:29 pm

Did you think I was dead?

I’m not!

I did fall off the planet of blogging and to some of you that’s like dying, ahem, Josh and Gavin.  I’m alive and well, doing great and staying busy.  Things have been trucking along here and I hope all two of my readers are having a pleasant first month of the new year.

I used to think the people who put so much stock into a new year and resolutions were sentimental and silly.  Who keeps their resolutions anyway?  But for the first time ever I can appreciate starting fresh and wanting to make it count.  I do feel that you should always make it count (it being life) but it gets a little hectic with schedules and work and marriage and well, life.  But I’m liking this new year quite a bit.  There have been some major changes occurring I feel and it has all been for the best.

Towards the end of ’08 I was getting real frustrated with my job, irritated at small things, and tended to get angry fast.  We were able to take essentially two weeks of time to visit first Josh’s family, then mine, and back to his.  We drove a lot, watched a lot of House and Criminal Minds, and got to share some good quality time with our ‘rents.  It was one of those vacations that lasted long enough that you felt you’d had enought time with everyone, but left you looking forward to getting back to the swing of things- for me, getting back to work.

Now, we’ve been back for three weeks and already things are crazy again.  We have multiple church functions this month, movies to screen, two babies have been born to friends, and Josh is writing a book.

But it’s all wonderful.

Work is going very well.  I have an incredible opportunity to learn and feed my brain, but I hope I’m there for more than that.  I work with and interact with a lot of non-believers.  I pray that in some small way I can be a light.  I certainly wasn’t before Christmas.

We’re teaching Sunday School to some fifth and sixth graders and I think it may be our best decision yet.  These kids are hilarious.  Brilliant and quick-witted.  They’re just tremendous.  It probably doesn’t hurt that we bring serious candy every Lord’s Day.

This Saturday we’re going ice skating with the youth group which ought to be fun.  And perhaps a little dangerous.  If we have any sliced off fingers I’ll let you know.

And to make this month even greater- the inauguration is next week!  I don’t really think Barack Obama is going to fix everything, in fact he may not even fix everything I’d like, but I do look forward to the confidence I can feel as the candidate I chose speaks to the world about the new administration and their top most concerns.  Mistakes and I’m sure embarrassing things will happen but really, this is the first time I’m excited about the president and his policies.  It’s a cool feeling.  I wish everyone shared my joy.

Josh is writing a book as mentioned before.  I’ve only read the intro and promised to read the first chapter but I can already say it’s going to be great.  It’s targeted to a very specific audience, but hopefully a publishing house will want it.  Please pray for his writing and searching!

If you care about Steve you should know he’s a pain.  No really, he’s okay.  Well, I guess I should say something nice.  He’s cute?  He and the Breedens’ dog Bailey have played about once a week and they wear each other out.  I’m glad he has a friend and he’s getting much more fun as he ages.  No new pictures for you, but he doesn’t look much different.  Still has bushy and expressive eyebrows.

I’m currently reading A Confederacy of Dunces and as the person who gave it to me said today, it’s cool because nothing else is like it.  It has an interesting history.  Published in 1980 by the author’s mother because he committed suicide after writing it, the book is set in 1970s New Orleans and is about a somewhat unlikeable protagonist.  Cool thing is the book was written long hand on legal notepads and many publishers refused to even read it.  It’s neat and I thank Sue for feeding my addiction.

My favorite movie of the last year is Slumdog Millionaire.  There are difficult scenes, but ultimately the movie is incredible.  Story, acting, camera shots, music, color, the works.  I hope it wins Best Picture and the Academy hands out Oscars to the entire Indian cast.  Not caste.  haha (except not really)

Have a great week, readers.  See a movie, read a book, listen to some Elton, take a walk, you know, do something fun.


Thanksgiving December 6, 2008

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 4:08 pm

Last week Joshua and I tackled our first road trip with a puppy terrier.  Josh was dreading the trip thinking Steve was going to be terrible and damage our parents’ homes and I was hesitant but still excited.

Steve showed both or us how good he could be when he did well in the car, didn’t ruin anything in the homes, and did well around his first baby.  He got many treats and affection after being so good.

Since being back we’ve had something to do every night and will be very busy until our next road trip.  Josh is finishing up his first semester and has already taken two exams and written a paper.  He has one left and then I’m not entirely sure what he’s gonna do with himself.  He has more than a couple movies to screen and review for CT so I suppose he’ll be busy enough until Christmas.

This coming week we have five parties to attend.  Can you believe that?  FIVE!  I’m excited about four of them, and have to buy two presents for the other (you know, when you buy a gift for a certain amount of money for the anonymous person?)  I like this month but my goodness I’ve never has so many obligations!

I’m looking forward to the holiday, especially the extra time to hang out with some of my favorite people.

Below are some photos of our trip.  Enjoy!

Patiently waiting in traffic

Patiently waiting in traffic.

His childhood dream came true!

A childhood dream come true!

They all love the camera

They all love the camera.


Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Me November 16, 2008

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 9:34 pm

I was chosen especially by the Breedens (really though I think it was random) to share seven facts about my life.  So here I go and consider yourself tagged if you read this and you’re not a Breeden.

1.  I have a special place in my heart for a good, croony county song with simple music and even simpler lyrics.  Joshua hates it with a burning passion I do believe so I try not to make him suffer all too often.

2.  I used to want 12 kids (not physically, but through adoption) and now have decided that would not be fair to the children we may find.  Good thing for my husband, I’ve decided that four would be a good nice round number for offspring.

3.  My favorite thing to do on the weekend is sit in front of the television for hours at a time wrapped in a blanket, getting up only for snacks and drinks.  I didn’t know this about myself until I got married and found out how fun it is to sit with Josh and Steve and do nothing.

4.  I love, love, love skiiing.  Water or snow, I don’t care which, but I love the difficulty and the rush you get when you’re successful.

5.  I wanted to be a politician before high school was over.  For real, wanted to be on Capitol Hill battling it out with powerful old men for causes I deemed worthy of government money and support.  But then I went to a week-long conference where we simulated all the processes that go into making a bill and realized that I am a horrible liar.  Now I just follow elections and get really worked up.

6.  My favorite kind of books are fiction with history, romance, thrills, and a little bit of mystery.  Doesn’t sound that complicated but I find it sometimes very difficult to find books.

7.  The meal I enjoy making the most and the one Josh enjoys eating the most is Kung Pao chicken.  It takes quite awhile and it involves a lot of ingredients but it is SO yummy!


A Bit of a Delay November 2, 2008

Filed under: Snippets of Home — Apt H @ 10:35 pm

Yes, yes, I know.  It’s been a ridiculously long time since I last wrote, but here is a little bit from our past couple… months.

We had visitors in the form of Josh’s parents, grandparents, and his sister.  Then a couple weeks later Kevin and Lydia stayed with us for a day or two on their way to Kitty Hawk.  Now we’re getting ready to visit our family!

We’ve been busy with school, work, something to do every night of the week, and other things!

We’re on the third season of 24 and you should know the second season sucked days of our life away.  We’re not too far into this one, but I always enjoy the adrenaline and addictive-ness of it all.

Tuesday nights I attend a Bible study led by Shalaine, Wednesdays (if I don’t have to work late) we go to church, Thursdays we have class (when I’m not babysitting) and then we watch The Office and 30 Rock.  On Fridays or Saturdays there tend to be young adult functions!

I’ve been babysitting pretty frequently here lately and I have a sweet, sweet deal.  I start at 6 the kids are in bed by 8 and the parents are home by 9.  And they pay killer money.  Thank you, Anne!

Two weeks ago I voted and let me tell you how cool it was to stand in line for an hour and then vote on the biggest ballot I’ve ever seen in a state where my vote will actually make a difference because things are so close.  I CANNOT wait until Tuesday night!

Right now, I’m lovin’ work, church, friends, Steve, and Charlotte, but I also cannot wait until Thanksgiving because it means a road trip with the dog and the husband and ultimately means hangout with Mommy (and Maurice, Linda, Don, Abby, Sam, Betty, and anyone else we can find!)

Sorry for the long time, I hope you’re all swell, and I look forward to hearing from you!